Canadian Pilot Training Inc.

Canadian Pilot Training Inc. was conceptualized after the era of the historic Covid-19 aviation downturn. Some of the key aspects of my company stand integrated with the current day demand of Pilots and Qualified Pilot Instructors. 

My Ethos are to identify and develop talent.

 To make my partner flight schools the most cost-competitive aviation market in Canada, promote them to the world, drive sustainability, develop and enhance training programs, and improve labour supply for our partner flight schools in the form of Qualified flight Instructors. 

Over the years, I have worked with students, flight schools and instructors from domestic and international backgrounds. Supporting them through ab-initio training programs and even after that. Over the last 15 years, I was able to establish the difference between often fascination and passion for aviation. Especially as our industry does not exist in a cookie cutter environment. Arriving as an International student, I went through 3 downturns in 15 years, which included layoffs and cyclic re-hiring. Therefore, my best word of advice to the new pilot is to "diversify, develop and innovate". Which are the core values of Canadian Pilot Training. The future is bright and Canada is well placed to welcome the world once again.All the best! 
